Tuesday 22 October 2013

To the Arctic and beyond!

On Friday we got up early, drove to Gardemoen and flew to Northern Norway. We took a 1 1/2 hour flight.

From there we drove 2 hours and a 20 minute ferry to Holmstad, where my host Dad comes from. It was snowing when we got there, so most of the way we couldn't see anything, but when we could it was so amazing! The mountains up there are spectacular!

On Saturday we went for a tour around the area. We saw the most amazing scenery I have ever seen in my whole life! It was so beautiful! We drove around to all these little towns and fishing villages. It was so pretty! There was quite a lot of snow the previous day and overnight so it felt like Christmas!

On Sunday we went the Christening of my host familys relative. It was pretty much the same as they do in Australia, with a few different things. After that we drove back to the airport. We took a different route back and it was so beautiful! The lakes and mountains are so amazing!

It was a really amazing trip! Northern Norway is definitely my favourtite place in the whole world now! :)

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