Tuesday 8 October 2013

Høst mote

So after the excursion to Oslo my host Dad and another exchange student from the US picked me up. We had time to spare so we went over to the castle and had a look around there.

Then we went over to the train station. We met up with some of the other exchange students and we caught the train to Hamar. We first met all the nrebies and caught up with the oldies. It was really great to see the Australians and the Argentinian again! And to meet all the newbies!

Some of the rebounds and a Mexican
We had dinner, then headed over to the tivoli across the road from our hotel. There was a concert going on and some rides. It was fun.

On Saturday we had to be in the district conference for 2305. We were only in the actual conference for only half an hour. After that we had to go into a room and organise a show for the last hour of the conference. We had to create skits, dances and presentations. My group did a presentation on the stereotypes of our countries. I said that I'm Australian, but I can't surf, the other Australian said she doesn't ride kangaroos, the Americans said they're not fat and don't eat mcdonalds and the Brazilians said that they don't speak spanish or brasilian and that they can't samba. One group did a dance and sang to 'What Does The Fox Say'. The skits were about some awkward moments in Norway, with the lnaguage and the culture. They were pretty funny.

Saturday night we had a gala dinner. It was a nice night. All the girls dressed up in nice dresses and heels and the guys in white shirts and black pants.

On Sunday we went for a walk through Hamar. We went around the river and headed to the ruins of a church. It was really nice down by the river. It was really pretty with the Autumn leaves. It was a nice day. It was sad to say goodbye to the other exchange students because it was our last Rotary event for the year! :'(

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