Monday 7 October 2013

Rewind a few weekends

Sorry I haven't been blogging, I've been so busy!!

Well I can start with a few Saturdays ago. Me and my host Dad were home alone so we went for a little tour in the forest. We rode bikes out to a lake in the middle of the forest. Don't you just love how in Norway theres random lakes everywhere! From there we walked to these old mines and a bit further into the forest. It was nice :)

Then on the Sunday I had my districts conference in Gardemoen. All the exchange students from 2260 went there. There was me and Holly (both oldies from Australia), then there was the newbies, one from USA, one from Tawain and 2 from Brazil. Also there was a rebound who had gone to Melbourne last year. We had to listen to a heap of different presentations then we all had to introduce ourselves på norsk.

So a relatively interesting weekend.

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