Thursday 17 October 2013

Sweet 16!

On Monday I had my sweet 16th! Well it was more of a 3 day celebration!

On Saturday night I had a birthday party with my friends. It was so much fun! We had tacos, opened presents, played charades, had cake, talked and watched a movie. It was a really fun night. My friends wrote me the sweetest cards and letter and it nearly made me cry!

On Sunday night we had a party with my host families. It was a nice night. Then on Monday it was my birthday! My host family made me breakfast in bed and they came in singing happy birthday (in norwegian of course!).

At school we had a little party during art. My friends had cake and candles and they sung. It was great! On Monday night we had Rotary. One of the Rotarians had made a birthday cake and everyone sung. It was nice.

I had a really great birthday! But I tell you what, I don't think I've ever eaten so much cake in my life!

One of my presents, I love it!

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