Sunday 4 August 2013


So last week was spent in Sweden with Alma and her family in Lidkoping. Alma stayed with us for 4 months (I was there for 2) in Australia when she was on exchange there. I drove to Lidkoping with my counsellor last Friday. It took about 3 hours I think it was. It was great to finally meet her family and to see her again!

That night we went to  little party on the beach with Almas class.It was quite nice. We rode the bikes down there by the lake.

On Saturday we rode the bikes into the centre of Lidkoping and then went for a walk around and had morning tea. It is a really nice city. In the afternoon we took the boat out onto the lake. We went out to this island. The lake there is huge! It feels like you're on the ocean because you can only see water and islands. We went swimming with some of their friends. It was a little colder than Australian water, but still good.

Sunday we went ti Liseberg, a theme park in Gothenburg. It was so much fun! We went on quite a big wooden rollercoaster 3 times, a really fast rollercoaster that did the corkscrew turns and loops once, another rollercoaster 3 times, atmosfear (a huge drop, the tallest in europe at 300ft and dropping at 110km/h) once, a swinging ride (a big arm kind of thing that swung up and down), another smaller drop, 2 other types of swinging, spinning rides, a spinning ride, bumper cars, a water toboggan kind of thing, a colorado river ride and I think that was it. It was such a great day! So much fun!

Monday we had a relaxing day. It was beautiful weather and we just lazed around. At night we went to a birthday party for one of their cousins.

Tuesday Mum and Dad came! Well, not until 5. I didn't really do much all day. I was so nervous! and I think driving everyone else in the house crazy! It was a surprise that I was there. Mum and Dad were planning on just meeting me in Råde, but me and Alma decided to surprise them. When I saw their car I ran and hid behind the couch and jumped out from behind it when they came into the loungeroom! It was so great to see them, after almost 7 months!

Wednesday we all went for a walk around Lidkoping and had morning tea. We went to an old porcelin factory in the city. After that we went out to Huseby church. It was a really nice little church. We also went to this old little stone hut thing. Then we went to a lookout. Before we went home we went to some cute little houses that where people were selling different things.

Thursday we went off to an old castle. It was really nice. We did a tour around the second floor to start with. Then we walked around the first and third floors, then to some of the other rooms outside and into the garden.It was great! After that we headed into town to a place for lunch by the lake. Then we went and had afternoon tea with Almas grandparents and grabbed some extra lifejackets. Then we headed out onto the lake again. It was fairly cold so only 3 of us went swimming. I convinced Dad to come, after a while!

On Friday we headed on to Råde. It was a great trip! And I shall continue my adventures tomorrow, as its getting late now and we have a busy day ahead!

At the castle

On the way to Norway we stopped at Uddevalla
 for lunch, There was this big international festival there
and they had an aussie stand! 

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