Thursday 15 August 2013

Norge with the fam!

I've been so busy! Here's a quick run down on whats been happening!

So after Sweden me and Mum and Dad headed to Råde. We had a party with all my host families, my counsillor and some other rotarians. It was quite a nice night.

The next day we headed back to Sweden again! We went with my third host family to their cabin near Lysekil on the Swedish west coast. We stopped at some places along the way and looked around. We stayed at their cabin for a night. The next day we went to Lysekil, had lunch and a look around and drove back to Råde.

Next adventure was a trip to Fredrikstad. We went to the old town and then to Hvaler for lunch. Quite a nice day. Our last full day in Råde was spent going to Halden. We went to the fortress, the locks and then stopped at a few other little places along the way home.

The next day we we went to Oslo! We walked to a big park with heaps of statues. Then we walked back around the harbour. The next day we went to Munch museum.

The adventures in Norway were quite good!

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