Thursday 15 August 2013


So my next and last adventure was to Poland! What an awesome week! We flew to Krakow. It is such a beautiful old city! Definitely one of my favourites.

We spent 2 days in Krakow. We went to a salt mine. This was pretty cool. There were all these figures and rooms carved out of the salt. There was a huge cathedral room carved into one part. It was seriously amazing! We also went to Auschwitz. Its the most horrible place I've ever been to, but such an experience. We also just wandered around Krakow a bit. One night we talk a horse and carriage ride around the main square and the castle. Quite nice.

After Krakow we drove out to Prudnik, a town in South West Poland a bit over 2 hours west of Krakow. We wandered around the town there then drove out to a small village called Piorunkowice. Piorunkowice is where my Great Grandfather came from, but it was in Germany then. The area actually looks a fair bit like home.

It was nice driving out there because there are so many churches everywhere and a few castles. Its pretty cool :)

We travelled back to Krakow for a day, then flew back to Oslo. Then I left my parents and came back to RĂ¥de.

Quite a great few weeks its been with them!

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