Saturday 3 August 2013

Backtrack a little

Well a LOT has happened over the past week. I'll start with Oslo. Last Thursday I went into Oslo to see my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. They had been in Stavanger visiting friends and were spending a few days in Oslo. 

I caught the train into Oslo and met them at their hotel. After that we walked to Frognerparken. It was really nice there. There are heaps of statues all leading up to a monolith. the grass was green and the flowers blooming. It was a beautiful park. 

After that we walked back around the harbour and had lunch at a little floating restaurant. We then continued onto the Opera House. We walked up to the top and wandered inside. On the way back to the hotel we walked up Karl Johans. There were so many people! I've never seen it that busy. 

We sat at the hotel fora while and then went for a dinner. We ended up going to the same place as we went for lunch. It was quite nice. Then it was time for me to return to RĂ¥de. It was a such  a hassle trying to get home because the lines are closed around Oslo so I had to take a bus. The ticket machines gowever were not working! We were running around the station like headless chooks! 

It was a really great day! It was so weird to be speaking English with kids so young though. So this was a week ago, but now I'm going to Lysekil as my parents are here, so my last weeks adventures will have to wait! :)

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