Sunday 23 June 2013

I've got the Question.........Now for the answers!

Well some of these questions I have been asked by people reading my blog others are simply ones that many Norwegians have asked me.

1. Why did you choose to come to Norway? Well I could put down 5 different countries. I had Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland and Norway. I decided to add Norway onto the list because everyone had said what a lovely place it was and how great the scenery was. I knew someone who was from Bergen and I had a teacher who had travelled there and said how great it was.

2. Why did you decide to become an exchange student? This is a tough one. I'm not 100% sure why I decided to become an exchange student. I really wanted to travel and learn about a new culture and a new language. When I first thought of the idea I was only thinking of doing a 3 or 6 month exchange but then I read more into it and decided, what the heck I may as well do a year!

3. Hows Norway? Norway is great! It is such an amazing country! I love it so much. The snow at the start of my year was awesome and now the greenery and summer weather is so beautiful.

4. Favourite thing about Norway? Well I think it would have to be the scenery! What I have seen so far is sooooo amazing! Then theres the people too, I have some great friends and host families:)

5. Whats the craziest thing thats happened? Well that would have to be Eurotour! From running around Vilnius, to some of the crazy things that happened on the cruise liners to our craziness in Russia and so on. I won't go into too much detail ;)

6. Whats the worst day you had? Well I had one day where I really missed my Mum and Dad!

7. Whats the best day you've had? Well that is definitely a tough one! The day I learnt to downhill ski was pretty awesome! There have been so many amazing days so I can't really pick one!

8. What would you consider to be the main socio economic differences between Australia and Norway? This is a hard one, I don't really know! Well I think in Norway there isn't as much initial difference between 'rich and poor' as such. Norway receives a lot more immigrants than Australia but their living style isn't quite as apparent as that in Australia. When you are in Norway you can't necessarily pick what kind of people live in the houses, like you can in some spots in Australia.

9. Hows it like to be an exchange student? SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!

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