Tuesday 18 June 2013


On Sunday I travelled to Notodden via Oslo to see Larissa (one of the Brazilian oldies) before she leaves. It was a short trip, but really nice.

She lives on a farm outside of Notodden. On the way home from we stopped at Heddal Stave church. It is the biggest one still standing in Norway. It is a church made completely of wood. It was so beautiful.  We walked down to the river the first day. It was really nice there. Then we sat on the balcony of the house overlooking the mountains. It was such a beautiful view.

The next day we went for a short walk in the woods. As we were walking along there was a red deer run right beside us! Larissa (being a city slicker) decided to turn back then. In the afternoon we went and explored the town. We wandered around the main part of town which was quite cute, then around the lake main big lake and river in the town. Then we went up to the top of one of the mountains to a lake and forest. It was so nice there. We walked around the lake. Being a relatively hot day a lot of people were swimming.

This morning we walked back into the woods near at Larissas house and went to the lake there. It was so amazing there! Really peaceful and simply beautiful. We could yell out and there was an echo. It was such a stunning place to be.

It was so great to see Larissa again, as the next time we see eachother could be a very long time or never. It was a nice relaxing trip.

The Stave Church

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