Monday 10 June 2013

Vikings, Fjords and Fun

What a week it has been! On Wednesday I headed to Haugesund on the West Coast of Norway to stay with Helen (another rye student). The trip over there was really good. The most amazing scenery I have ever seen. I saw so many amazing lakes and mountains! I think Norway hasn't quite got the concept of Summer. At one point we were driving through mountains all covered in snow and the water was frozen.

Most of the day Thursday we wandered around Haugesund. In the evening we went to an International Dinner thing with AFS exchange students. There was a Brazilian, a Chinese boy, an Italian and a Chilean. We all made food from our countries. Me and Helen took ANZAC biscuits and vegemite. We all did a short talk on our countries. It was a nice night.

Friday morning we walked to a big statue. We walked form there along the coast to a lighthouse. That afternoon we went to a girls house (she's connected to AFS). We went with some of the AFS kids. We walked to the top of a hill and saw a great view over Haugesund. We were going to camp up there too, but it was illegal except in a designated camping area and we didn't know where one was. So we ended up setting up the tents in her backyard. We grilled sausages and bananas with chocolate. The next day we just packed up the tents and went home. It was really fun.

That night we went to one of the AFS girls birthday party. That was fun. It went until midnight and it took us an hour to walk home. We walked back with a few other kids. It was so weird because it was light outside! The sun in Norway is so crazy!

Sunday was the Viking Festival! That was sooo much fun!! It was held at an old viking village on an island outside of Haugesund. There were heaps of people dressed up in viking clothes with tents. They were selling viking clothes and hats and things. There were people wood carving and making bread. There were people rowing long boats and shooting bow and arrows. The best part of the festival were the shows.We watched one where these guys were playing all these viking games. Most were basically a test of strength and skill. Then we watched a fight. that was so cool!

It was such a great trip!

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