Wednesday 3 July 2013

The things you do

Well this past week my host family went on a trip. While they were away I have stayed with a heap of different people and done a few things in the local area.

I first stayed with my host grandparents. Then I stayed with some host cousins. It was a hep of little kids. I just played with them and in the afternoon we went to Mærrapanna. It is a picnic and playground area on the coast near Fredrikstad. Its quite nice there.

Then I stayed with my counsellor. It was a rainy afternoon so we went into Oslo. We went to a photography and sculpture museum. It was a little weird. The next day we went to Halden. It is a town near the border to Sweden. It is really nice there. There are some nice restaurants and cafes along the foreshore and a lot of boats docked there. There was this really nice sailing boat. It was an older one, made of wood. It was such a gorgeous boat!

We walked around the foreshore then walked up to the top of town where there is a fortress. That was really cool. It also gave a great view over the town. That was a great day.

Then I stayed with my third host family for the rest of the time. One day we had lunch at the lake at Råde. That was really nice, The rest of the time I read a book and rode a bike into Karlshus (the centre of Råde).

I just hope now that the weather gets better! Its hasn't been very good lately.

From the foreshore, the fortress is on top
of the hill

In the fortress

View over Halden

The river running through Halden

One of the cousins

Some of the cousins

At Mærapanna


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