Sunday 17 February 2013

Language Camp!

Language Camp with the newbies! What a fun week that was. I met up with Clara (from Beunos Aires, Argentina), Holly (from Bendigo), James (from Sydney), Remy (from Newcastle) and Helen (form Sydney) at Nesbyen.

The first day we went to an open air museum. There were all these old houses and a storage hut that was 700+ years old. In some of the huts there were rose paintings on the walls and the roof. They looked really cool.

The next few days was learning Norwegian. I can now understand a little bit of Norwegian, not much though.  One afternoon we went to a Rotarians house to play in the snow. We were sliding down a hill on a tractor tube. It was so much fun. On the last night we went to a youth club. We played ping pong, danced and had a pretty relaxed night.

The week was quite relaxed and fun:)

Rose Paintings

The group: Helen (Sydney), Me, Remy (Newcastle), Clara (Buenos Aires, Argentina), James (Sydney) and Holly (Bendigo) 

The beauty of Nesbyen!

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