Friday 1 February 2013


School has been good. My classes have been changed. I'm now just in a normal class for everything. I do English, Maths, Science, Norwegian, Art, Design and Architecture, Spanish and Gym. My class mates are really nice and most don't mind speaking English.

The school is so big! I think I can find the way to all my classrooms now though. School in Norway is a bit different to that in Australia. Differences include:
- Calling teachers by their first name
-No uniforms
-No Bells
-You can have phones out during class
-The classrooms a bit more relaxed
-School start and end times vary on your classes
-You don't need leave passes or anything, you can just walk in and out of school as you please

Its seems to be a nice school and quite new. But now I'm going to start packing for Language and Winter Camp. I leave on Sunday to Nesbyn for 2 weeks:)

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