Sunday 22 December 2013

Last week of school before Christmas

So this past week as been the last week of School before Christmas. We had a few tests and assignments, but other than that it was kinda similar to in Aus, as we watched Movies and Things in a lot of the classes.

On Wednesday we had class photos. They do them so cool over here! There was an overall theme, then every class chose something in that. My class went Broadway. We made a big sign and the Girls all worse dresses and feathers and Things and the guys all wore suits and had cigars. The Picture turned out great! I wish we did that in Aus!

On Thursday they were surving free grøt (porridge) in the canteen. Grøt tastes so good! There was also a thing on in the Church beside School but we couldn't go because we had a art history test.

On Friday was the last day. For a few hours we were all in Our classrooms. Our teacher had bought gingerbread, icing and all these sprinkles and Things. So we decorated gingerbread and ate Christmas cake. It was really Nice.

The amazing People in 2STFA

After that we went into the entrance/foyer area thingy in the School. We had a concert on there. It was so great, there are so many talented People at my School!

So it was a really Nice last week of School! :)

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