Wednesday 11 December 2013

A busy weekend

This weekend was so busy! We had something on all the time.

On Saturday we went to the Christmas markets at Tomb. There were a lot of different stalls selling handmade Things, Christmas cakes and biscuits, knittwear and some other Things. It was quite nice there. When we got home me and Errol put up the Christmas lights.

On Sunday it was one event after another. And it SNOWED!! :D On Sunday morning I went to Wolds for a Christmas workshop. We made hearts and this little Christmas mouse. We had lapskaus for lunch, then made gingerbread. It was really nice and the mouse was so cute! Straight after that I went to the Missingmyr Christmas tree lighting. I got there late, so most of it was over but I caught the end of the carols. Then 2 guys came dressed as nisse and handed out goodie bags. On Sunday night we went to Janes (the American Exchange student) birthday.

So it was quite a busy schedule, but a geat weekend!

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