Friday 15 November 2013

My day

Well today was a pretty good day! :)

I had my usual four period lesson of visual art first. We are working on human anatomy at the moment. So we were drawing different joints of the skeleton first. My school has a supply of Canon 400D cameras so after drawing we got to go around the school and take pictures of eachother at angles and in poses which make one or more of our limbs look short. I think next week we're going to draw one of the pictures we took. Quite a fun start to morning.

I had gym in the afternoon and we had dance. That was great. We were in groups of 5 and had to create a dance including a heap of different moves from pictures we were given. We had to include American football, crab, bird, mario, a type of jump and a couples dance. The end results were quite entertaining! While we were waiting for the Teacher we pulled the climbing ropes out and were swinging on them singing wrecking ball. It was pretty funny!

Its so dark now! When I start school at 8 I go to school in The dark and most days I get home in The dark. But now, I'm waiting for my friends to come, who are going to stay tonight. I'm going to test my Australian cooking by making lamingtons with them :)

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