Sunday 17 November 2013

A nice weekend

On Friday I had some friends come over and stay The night. We attempted to make lamingtons (they kinda failed.........). But it was fun nonetheless. We stayed up quite late watching a movie.Saturday we rode The bikes over to The lake and wandered around. It was fun :)

Sunday Started as a bit of a lazy day. My Whole host fam slept in quite late and then we watched some speed skating and ski shooting. After that I went for a ride to The church and took some photos.

In The afternoon me, Maria (one of my host sisters) and 2 Others went to The movies in Moss. We went to see Flåklypa, a Norwegian animation. We wanted to see The movie at 4:30 but that session was full! And The next one was too! So we couldn't see The movie until 6:30! So we ended up going to a restaurant and had some dinner first. Then we went to The movie. It was really good. The movie was so cute! :)

It was a nice weekend :)

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