Saturday 30 November 2013

Its starting to feel a lot like Christmas

I must say Moss is looking very Christmassy now. They have wreaths up with gold lights and some of The trees have white lights in them. It looks really pretty.

But The best part is that my school has Its own Christmas tree! We had The lighting yesterday morning. The choir sang some songs and they lit The tree. It was a really nice thing to do and The tree looked really pretty :)

Thursday 28 November 2013

Bannners and books

The building where my Rotary Club Meetings are is being torn Down, for another one to built. So we have to relocate and on Tuesday night we packed up the clubhouse.
We had to take Down all the banners on the walls and pack up everything, finding some interesting Things in the process ;)

Tuesday 26 November 2013


So this weekend was another trip to the cabin in Sweden. We probably won't be down there again before Christmas so we put a few Christmas decorations around the Place.

Other than that it was just a nice relaxing weekend snuggled up on the couch watching a Movie and Reading my book :)

Friday 22 November 2013

Oslo tur

Yesterday afternoon my class (as well as a heap of other classes) headed to Oslo for a trip to the theatre. We had a fair bit of time between getting to Oslo and going to the theatre so a Group of us headed down Karl Johans. We all grabbed dinner and looked in some of the shops. Oslo looks very Christmassy now. There's all these wreaths strung accross between the shops With lights and big bells in the middle. It looks really Nice. Now they just need snow and it will be Perfect :)

Then we went to Det Norske Teatret (the Norwegian theatre). We saw Bikubesong. It was really good. It was in New Norwegian so it was pretty difficult for me to understand, but I got the main ideas.

It was a really Nice night, but everyone has been almost asleep in class this morning as we got back pretty late.

Thursday 21 November 2013


This is the Movie we saw the other day, isn't it cute?! :)

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Winter is upon us

So now it's dark, like really dark. The days I have to get up at 6 for school, it's dark, I walk to the bus stop, it's still dark, I get to school, still dark and finally I sit in maths, geography or art in the dark until the sun comes up. And when I get home from school it's dark too.

And today the weather turned dramatically! It's been relatively warm lately but today it was -7 in the morning and there was quite a big frost. So now it's cold enough to snow! I hope it starts soon :)

Tuesday 19 November 2013

We're doing lino!

So in one of my art classes we're starting to do lino cuts. I really liked doing this in Aus, so I'm quite excited! :)

Sunday 17 November 2013

A nice weekend

On Friday I had some friends come over and stay The night. We attempted to make lamingtons (they kinda failed.........). But it was fun nonetheless. We stayed up quite late watching a movie.Saturday we rode The bikes over to The lake and wandered around. It was fun :)

Sunday Started as a bit of a lazy day. My Whole host fam slept in quite late and then we watched some speed skating and ski shooting. After that I went for a ride to The church and took some photos.

In The afternoon me, Maria (one of my host sisters) and 2 Others went to The movies in Moss. We went to see Flåklypa, a Norwegian animation. We wanted to see The movie at 4:30 but that session was full! And The next one was too! So we couldn't see The movie until 6:30! So we ended up going to a restaurant and had some dinner first. Then we went to The movie. It was really good. The movie was so cute! :)

It was a nice weekend :)

Friday 15 November 2013

My day

Well today was a pretty good day! :)

I had my usual four period lesson of visual art first. We are working on human anatomy at the moment. So we were drawing different joints of the skeleton first. My school has a supply of Canon 400D cameras so after drawing we got to go around the school and take pictures of eachother at angles and in poses which make one or more of our limbs look short. I think next week we're going to draw one of the pictures we took. Quite a fun start to morning.

I had gym in the afternoon and we had dance. That was great. We were in groups of 5 and had to create a dance including a heap of different moves from pictures we were given. We had to include American football, crab, bird, mario, a type of jump and a couples dance. The end results were quite entertaining! While we were waiting for the Teacher we pulled the climbing ropes out and were swinging on them singing wrecking ball. It was pretty funny!

Its so dark now! When I start school at 8 I go to school in The dark and most days I get home in The dark. But now, I'm waiting for my friends to come, who are going to stay tonight. I'm going to test my Australian cooking by making lamingtons with them :)

Thursday 14 November 2013

Someones stealing time!

As of today in 2 months I'm going to be back in Aussieland. What?! This year is going way too fast! And I definitely don't want it to end!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Lunch in the park

So on Tuesday afternoons I have no class, but my bus doesn't go until 2 so I have to kill some time. Yesterday I decided to take my lunch to Nesparken. So I walked to the park and went and sat down on a jetty on the lake in the park. I had my lunch, listened to Music and did my Maths homework on this jetty. It was nice and peaceful :)

Monday 11 November 2013

Sverige igjen

Well nothing special happened This week at school. This weekend we went down to The cabin in Sweden. We had a nice relaxing weekend down there :) It was nice.

Today we have free from school, so another relaxing day for me :)

Sunday 3 November 2013

Skal Vi Danse

So last night we went to Skal Vi Danse in Oslo. It's the Norwegian version of Dancing With The Stars.

It was a really great night! We got to meet the hosts of the show. We were in the 2nd row. You don't realise how many things go on that you don't see on tv. The couples have to dance with camera man running around them a few times during their dances. There were crewman running around everywhere! And there's a guy that tells the audience what to do and a few rules and things.

I'm so glad I got to go! The dancing was really great and fun to watch!

One group did an African Dance

The Judges

One dance was cheerleading
 If you want to watch the episode go to And you should be able to find the episode.