Saturday 18 May 2013

Norges National Dag

17th Mai = Norges National Dag. This was such a great day! We went to the parade in Rade. There were so many people! Most of the girls were wearing bunads. They are like a woolen dress that has different patterns and colours depending on which part of Norway you're form. I was wearing the Ostfold one.

The parade continued for quite a long way. It went a fair way around the town. it went to the sportgrounds. There was so much going on. Inside the hall there were a few people doing short speeches, bands playing and a few groups singing and dancing as well as some people folk dancing.

In the afternoon I went to Fredrikstad to watch the parade there. It included all the sports clubs. The skiing club had these skis on rollerblades. The gymnastics clubs were all doing cartwheels and were throwing each other up into the air. The athletics club set out hurdles and were jumping over them. It was a pretty cool parade. At the end of the parade was Russetogen  (Russ parade). Russ are the kids that are about to graduate. They all had their Russebil (Russ busses). It was pretty awesome!

It was such an amazing experience to mark 4 months in Norway!:)

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