Wednesday 15 May 2013

7. Warsaw, Poland

Poland was great. It was a long trip from Vilnius to Warsaw, but the grass was so green! Greenest grass I've seen in my life!

We went to a concentration camp near Warsaw called Treblinka. It was just a memorial because it had been destroyed by the Germans in 1943. There was one area where there was a big memorial and 17,000 stones around it to signify the day when 17,000 people were exterminated.

Most of Warsaw was destroyed during the war but it has all been restored. We went to the old (restored) town. There was quite a large square with colourful houses and cafes around the edge.

We then had a bit of free time. Most of the group went shopping, but me and two other girls went across the road to a big tower. There was a great view of Warsaw from the top.

From there it was off to Germany!

Look at that greenery:)

The crossing was a piano!

Flowers, green grass and one of my favourite French girls!:)

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