Friday 31 May 2013

ASCA Medal!

I skyped with Mum and Dad last weekend and was a bit worried when they said they needed to skype with me again on Tuesday. I had no idea what they wanted to tell me, just that it was something interesting from school. I'd been trying to work out what it could be! It was annoying me for a few days. I managed to skype them yesterday during our free period at school yesterday. They told me I'd got a medal for ASCA from last year!!

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Gunna Get my Exercise

So with my new family I'm definitely going to get my exercise! This afternoon I have been running around for ages with my youngest host brother. I'll be keeping active for the next 4 months, thats for sure!

I also had that amazing feeling of telling him that I was tired and that I'll play with him tomorrow and he understand my Norwegian!!! :)

Sunday 26 May 2013

Eggs,Eggs and more Eggs!

Every Sunday that I'm home for the next 4 months I will be cracking eggs into a bucket. My family has heaps of chickens and they sell their eggs to the local bakery. We have to crack them into a bucket and beat them ready to go into cakes etc and then deliver them to the bakery. I've now finished cracking my first 2 buckets of eggs!

Saturday 25 May 2013

Moving, done and dusted!

I have now spent my first night out on the farm. I'm all unpacked (that took a while....). Everythings all good. So I now have 3 brothers and a heap of cats. Going to be an interesting 4 months! :)

Is the clock right........?

This was taken at about 11pm! 


Moving today. I'm basically all packed now, ready to go. It will be a little sad to move from Wolds, but I'm looking forward to the next adventure out on the farm!

I'm not even going to mention the number of bags I have!

Art Task

Art task using chalk pastels, I think its coming along quite well 

Friday 24 May 2013

Let the Packing Begin

So I'm moving this weekend. Well this is going to be interesting. I have to start packing and its going to be interesting to see how many bags it takes.

I'm moving out to a chicken farm and I'm going to have 3 younger brothers. Going to be an experience, thats for sure!

Thursday 23 May 2013

Russ...or Russian....?

When we had Norwegian we had to do a task about the Russ reputation. For those of you who don't know, Russ are the kids who are in 3rd year and about to graduate. When we put some of the work into google translate it translated Russ to Russians! haha!

Wednesday 22 May 2013


So after those few hot days its started to rain! For the first time in my life I don't need more rain to fill up the water tanks or help make the grass green, so I'd prefer if we got back to that beautiful weather we had on the weekend

Sunday 19 May 2013

Its So Hot!

You'd think I wasn't Australian anymore! It's not even that hot compared to Australia and I'm dying of the heat! Must be turning Norwegian!
Some photos from my walk:

By the way I saw a John Deere tractor on my walk!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Norge National Dag

Norges National Dag

17th Mai = Norges National Dag. This was such a great day! We went to the parade in Rade. There were so many people! Most of the girls were wearing bunads. They are like a woolen dress that has different patterns and colours depending on which part of Norway you're form. I was wearing the Ostfold one.

The parade continued for quite a long way. It went a fair way around the town. it went to the sportgrounds. There was so much going on. Inside the hall there were a few people doing short speeches, bands playing and a few groups singing and dancing as well as some people folk dancing.

In the afternoon I went to Fredrikstad to watch the parade there. It included all the sports clubs. The skiing club had these skis on rollerblades. The gymnastics clubs were all doing cartwheels and were throwing each other up into the air. The athletics club set out hurdles and were jumping over them. It was a pretty cool parade. At the end of the parade was Russetogen  (Russ parade). Russ are the kids that are about to graduate. They all had their Russebil (Russ busses). It was pretty awesome!

It was such an amazing experience to mark 4 months in Norway!:)


The other afternoon I went for a trip with a Rotarian. We had lunch at Gamlebyen first. We had tapas and it was really great. Then we went to this other fortress across the river from Gamlebyen.

Then we went to Hvaler. It is a group of islands near Fredrikstad. It is  really nice there. There were all these sail boats around there. It was a really nice afternoon.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

My Exchange Family!

So Eurotour was an awesome experience. I had a great time with all the exchangers. It was the last time that some of us will ever see eachother again. We are Family <3