Monday 15 April 2013


This weekend I went to Denmark. We left at 5:30 on Friday morning to Gothenburg in Sweden. From there we caught a massive boat across to Fredrikshavn in Denmark. From there we drove to Aalborg. It was nice trip.

That afternoon we just had a late lunch. The adults all went out so I spent the rest of the afternoon exploring Aalborg. It is such a nice town. It has some really old buildings. That night we went out to dinner at a steakhouse. The building was from 1585!

Saturday morning we went and watched Minas (host sister) team play handball and they won. After that we had time to kill so we went to a shopping centre and had lunch. That afternoon I hung out will Allee (on exchange in Denmark from 9650 in Australia). It was so awesome to see her! We just wandered around Aalborg and did some shopping. That night we went to dinner with the whole handball team. it was a great night.

Sunday morning we watched the semis for the handball competition. Unfortunately the team lost. Everyone was wearing Rade scarves or jumpers and they were singing and waving flag and bells. It was great atmosphere.

Then we headed back to Norway. I have now discovered that Denmark should be called flatland! It was so flat! It was great weekend!:)

On the boat 


My host parents along with some other parents
of the team




Danes and their bikes! They were everywhere!

The handball team

Me and Allee

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