Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Briefing Weekend

This weekend I went to Port Macquarie for our second briefing weekend. It was really great to see all the outbounders again and meet the inbounders. We may have kinda done a fair few maccas runs, not gone to bed until after 12 each night and one night gone for a late night swim but it was so much fun.

It was basically like Christmas for all the outbounders. We got given Australian flags and a few books on Australia. We got our blazers. We also got our TICKETS!! It makes it seem so real and final when we got our tickets, but I was like yes tickets!:)

Some of my presents:)
Did I mention 49 days!!!!!!!

Sunday, 11 November 2012


I've just been emailed by my councillor for next year. I'm going to be staying with them for the first week. So excited!:)

Not Long Left

Yesterday we moved beds around because Alma (from Sweden) is coming to stay with us next Saturday through to some time in February.

Last night Grandad rang and said about taking us out for lunch before I leave. We're having a farewell lunch on the 8th December, but before, we might be going to their place in Tamworth for lunch one day.

Today I was sitting on my bed and Mum came into my room and we were talking about different things. I have about 10 different scarves and she was picked the coat hanger they're all on and said about the one I'll want to take to Norway. Then she said about organising what I'm going to do with my friends before I leave. I'm hoping to have the girls round for a movie night and have a bbq and go swimming the next day. I'll have to see what they're up to.

2 months and 5 days, the time is flying!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Rotary Presentation

Last night I had my first Rotary meeting. I had to do a presentation. It was a 6 minute practice speech for what I'm going to have to do in Norway. I wrote about myself, my family and a fair bit about Australia; the states, wildlife, food etc. I was quite nervous, but I think it went pretty well. I'll probably have one more Rotary meeting before I go, so I can be presented my blazer by my host club.

I've got my second briefing weekend in Port Macquarie on the 23rd, 24th and 25th. We get presented our blazers then and get official photos, but they say to take your blazer to your host club to get it presented officially. There's only 71 days until Norway!!:) Super excited!

The Ostfold Region, the part of Norway I'm heading to

Skyping with Mina

At 8am on Saturday (10pm in Norway) I skyped with Mina. It was great to actually talk to eachother and her parents rather than just typing, even if the internet kept dropping out! I now know where I'm going to school. It's Kirkeparken Videraende Skole and it's in Moss (about 15 minutes from Rade I think). It's the same school that Mina and Helene go to. I've been googling it and it looks really nice ( I think I've got the right place). 
