Friday 8 March 2013

My Week

Well I've had a pretty good week. The highlight of Monday was creating the start of a dance to thrift shop. It was so much fun! I am in a group with 4 other girls. On Monday night we had Minas Birthday party with some other family members. It was a nice night.

The rest of the week I had my various classes, which all went relatively well. Thursday afternoon I had maths test and I actually think I did alright in it. Today was a pretty good day. I had design and we went on an excursion to a museum not far from school. We were looking at old designs for cooking equipment, locks, ice skates, raincoats etc. It was a little like the heritage village back home. Then I had English and handed in my essay (fingers crossed I get a good mark!) and we did stuff on grammar. Then I had maths and we did some really easy work on graphs.

Last I had my really long lesson of art (It goes for 3 1/2 hours!) We were designing and sketching patterns. Its quite a long lesson, but its really relaxed and my class is great:)

One of my patterns:)

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