Wednesday 20 March 2013

Legally Blonde

Tonight I went and saw Legally Blonde the Musical in Moss. It was in Norwegian so I didn't understand much of what was actually being said but I followed the storyline. Despite not being able to understand everything it was a really good show!

Monday 18 March 2013

Holmenkollen Weekend

I've just spent an amazing weekend in Oslo! On Friday after school I travelled down to Oslo with Perrine (from France) and met up with all the other exchange students. We were staying just outside of Oslo.

On Saturday morning we all went into Oslo centre. First we went to the Resistance Museum. This was a museum about Norways involvement during WWII. This was really interesting because I didn't know anything about Norway and the war. After that we went to the Nobel Peace Price Centre.

In the afternoon we had free time to wander around Oslo. A few of us walked up Karl Johans Gate. We went to the castle and had a photo with the guard there. We just wandered up the street. We happened to come across a clown. He was making balloon animals. He did it really quickly so we got him to make us a monkey in a tree. Then we went to the Opera House. We walked up onto the roof. It was quite a nice view from the top. The interior of the Opera House was really nice.

Saturday night we all went bowling and had pizza. It so much fun, even if we weren't the greatest at bowling! (although I did manage to get a strike!) Our lane was right beside a walkway. One of the girls accidentally let go of the ball when she had her arm back and it flipped up over the barrier and onto the walkway! So funny!

Sunday was Holmenkollen. We watched the ski jumping. A group of us got the best spot ever! We were at the front of one part of the stadium right behind where the ski jumpers had to walk. When they went past we cheered them, got high fives from them and talked to them! One Norwegian jumper gave us his card. It was awesome! I also ended up on National Television!

Today we had breakfast at the council in Bearum. We got a tour of the town hall. It was quite nice. We went to the viking museum. It was really cool. They had 3 original viking ships! Then we went to Fram. It was a ship that an explorer travelled to the North Pole in.. He drifted it through the ice a fair way, then got off and walked. He didn't quite make it to the North Pole but was close. He had to stay there during the winter and survived off polar bears! We got to go onto the ship. It was pretty cool.

It was a great weekend! Exploring Oslo and catching up with the exchangers!:)

Our balloon Monkey 

Thursday 14 March 2013


On Thursdays I have a really long period of science, then I have a free period. We have been doing dance in gym. I am in a group with 4 other girls and we are creating our own dance. We are presenting it next week and we needed to practice. So during the break my group went into our classroom, hooked up an ipod to the speakers, moved the tables around and danced. then a few other kids came in and we were dancing to their song as well. Quite a fun way to spend the break.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Class fun

On Wednesday afternoons I have a really long lesson of art. Today we had a little party. I bought bananas, one girl baked brownies and another bought chocolate icecream. It was good and a nice break. A good way to spend the afternoon.

Monday 11 March 2013


This afternoon my class went for a little excursion. Last Autumn some of the kids from Kirkeparken and surrounding schools entered 4 photographs, one of themselves, their home, an interest and some food. Today these were displayed at a gallery. It was in a really nice area, right near the water and surrounded by a bit of parkland.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Visiting Sweden

Yesterday after lunch I went with Errol and Anne Kari (3rd host parents) to Sweden. They have a summer vacation house on the West Coast and they had to check it over before they go to Australia.

It was a really nice trip. We took a coastal route there. There are all these really nice towns that used to be old fishing villages. They are nearly deserted in Winter but people flock to them in Summer. They were really cute. We also passed all these different kinds of churches. They were quite nice.

We had lunch at this place right on the water in Smogen. It was a nice little cafe with a lovely view. I had an open prawn sandwich. It tasted pretty good, although the prawns were a little too salty. We stopped at a cute little bakery on the way to the house. It was in the middle of nothing but sold these really nice cinnamon buns.

The house is in a really nice spot just near the water. It was a good trip. I have now found out that Sweden has a lot of wind power. There were heaps of wind turbines. When we got further south the area had a lot of rocky areas. It looked nice because there was red granite throughout the rock. We also passed heaps of frozen areas.

After having prawns for lunch, I had prawns for tea too!:)

Hamburgsund, along one side of the water was all newer holiday houses and along
 the other was all the old fishing houses



This is a small percentage of the marina in Hunnebostrand
(It was massive!)

I thought the centrepiece on the table at lunch was cute:)

The view from the cafe at Smogen


View from the house near Lysekil 
 And don't let the blue sky and sun deceive you, there was a really cold wind!

Friday 8 March 2013

Pumped For Eurotour!

One Happy Person!:D
Officially going on Eurotour! The forms are in and everythings paid! From the 29th April for 2 weeks I will be travelling around Europe with the other exchange students. I go to Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany and Denmark!

My Week

Well I've had a pretty good week. The highlight of Monday was creating the start of a dance to thrift shop. It was so much fun! I am in a group with 4 other girls. On Monday night we had Minas Birthday party with some other family members. It was a nice night.

The rest of the week I had my various classes, which all went relatively well. Thursday afternoon I had maths test and I actually think I did alright in it. Today was a pretty good day. I had design and we went on an excursion to a museum not far from school. We were looking at old designs for cooking equipment, locks, ice skates, raincoats etc. It was a little like the heritage village back home. Then I had English and handed in my essay (fingers crossed I get a good mark!) and we did stuff on grammar. Then I had maths and we did some really easy work on graphs.

Last I had my really long lesson of art (It goes for 3 1/2 hours!) We were designing and sketching patterns. Its quite a long lesson, but its really relaxed and my class is great:)

One of my patterns:)

Saturday 2 March 2013


So this afternoon we went to SWEDEN! It was really weird that we drove like 20 minutes and were in another country. You didn't have to bother about passports or anything. It was pretty cool.

We went to this really big shopping centre. I bought some clothes (I desperately needed more shirts!) and some books for school. It was a nice afternoon and I can now say that I've been to Sweden!

Friday 1 March 2013


Jorunn (my first host Mum) knitted me a lue (beanie). It looks so cool with the traditional Norwegian pattern:) 

My migrains have finally gone, thank goodness!:)