Saturday 1 December 2012

Exciting Emails

I got an exciting email! It was about some of the Rotary camps and thing that are on next year in Norway. I found out that I've got language camp, then winter camp. I'm now registered for winter camp and it sounds awesome!:) It's a whole week of skiing! We also have a bbq in the snow (which I wasn't exactly sure how that works). I can't wait for it though, sounds like fun. I've never been to the snow before so its going to be interesting as to how my skiing goes. On the second last day we go on this 12km cross country ski.

Theres also a few weekend Rotary camps that I've been told about. And then theres EUROTOUR!! Its in May and is a bus trip around Europe. Its going to be so much fun!:)

Counting down on my calendar:)

45 days to go!:)

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